Senior Citizens - Travel, Adventure and Getting Involved

Cultural Exchanges & Stays Abroad for the Elderly

Curious about the World - Living, Travelling, Lending a Hand

What is ElderPair?

ElderPair is a service for elder people. It promotes international exchange, allows to get to know foreign cultures and opens up possibilities for stays abroad.
This site let´s you participate in a private, cultural exchange. It is a service for both women and men, no gender is excluded. 

Please register for free and send in your offers or demands. Fill in the form (Travellers & Hosts) in the language of you addressees. In most cases English would suit best !!! 

Most of the time there will be stays for a couple of months, a year or more, to learn or to brush up a language, to get to know the country and its people, things which are not possible on a normal journey. At the same time there will be an integration within a family. Similar to the "au pair" ElderPair is founded on mutual understanding, exchange and integration in the life of the host family (French "pair", English "par" = equal). Both partners, family and guest, meet at eye level. They are on "a par" with each other.

All details of the stay will be fixed by the two partners, host and guest.
ElderPair will only exceptionally and on request do a placement. So normally these stays are privately organised journeys without any interference by ElderPair.

Voluntary services, charities - Passing on experience and knowledge

Instead of staying in a family travellers may opt for a stay with a charity, a volunteer service, social projects, NGOs and other non-commercial institutions. Often these do not pay any pocket money but offer food and shelter. Some also ask for a small participation.